Saturday, April 16, 2005


Finally, a disease ridden- but full, belly.

The boys emerge from "Pauline's Pit", a seedy looking "family style restaurant". "Why did we do that?", Jason asks. "I know, I must have contracted at least seven food-born illnesses and a handful of communicable diseases while in there.", replies Chris. Jason bends over and in a gutteral voice states, "We should have ate somewhere else.". "Where in the middle of no-where. There is nothing else."

The duo hobbles to their car and sits for a moment. Staring blankly out the windshield at the long dust road ahead.

They fill up the tank and head on down Highway 90. As they aproach Rapid City, they see signs for Mouth Rushmore National Park. After what seemed like, hours of silence, Jason says, "You know, I've lived in South Dakota my whole life, and I've never seen Mt. Rushmore." Surprised, Chris responds, "You haven't, not even in a field trip in school?", Jason shakes his head, "Then let's go. I love it! It's so great, you wont believe the beauty!" Jason begins to think he opened his mouth too soon.

Chris merges the car onto I-16 towards Mt. Rushmore...
hahah i love how they havent even made it out of south dakota.. and though it was snowing at the beginning, now it's dry and deserty!
I was so happy to see this wasn't a *yawn* knitting site!
Good stuff!
Ah.... a fan, someone who truly appreciates fine writing. Welcome!
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