Friday, April 08, 2005


Shaken AND stirred

Unbeknownst to Jason and Chris, the Man-Baby gets back into his car, places the knitting needles down on the seat next to him and starts the ignition. He slowly heads down the same dirt road that the two young men have just fled down. He's got a scent. He thinks he knows where they went. How could he? They drove off so fast. The dust that their tires kicked up masked any sort of clue to where they went. Still, he... it...continued on.

"What the fuck was that back there?", Chris screams.

The cars speedometer is racing along at 85MPH, they are racing in and out of traffic. They speed past the Best Buy. "The Destiny's Child video is gonna have to wait.", Jason says, "Let's just get the fuck out of here."
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