Tuesday, May 17, 2005


House of Wacks

"Wow. Never heard of this place", Jason stammered.
"Oh I have," said Chris." 'Sposed to be the home of the Big Sky Starlet".
"You're right. We also are known for being the single town in America with only one movie theater that has shown Cannonball Run consistantly for almost the past 24 years ! Not to mention, we have a one of a kind wax museum too! Don't you boys forget to check that out!" the chirpy waitress smiled. "Now what can I get ya?"
"I think I will just have the Soup and Salad as long as I can have breadsticks and a whole stick of butter to go with them" Jason deCREED.
"We don't carry items like that. We DO have Lasagna and a new special, the Tuscan Garlic Chicken though", the waitress replied.
Jason and Chris ordered the Tuscan Garlic Chicken, a little puzzled as to why an establishment like this would have such culinary delights but not soup or salad, and then peered out the window into the town.
Far off in the distance stood the town's House of Wax. It loomed over everything and it's facade was lit with spotlights.
The town looked scarce. There were lights on in the windows of the homes and businesses that lined the Main street (and only street), but no one was out.
It WAS late, Chris thought, but still.
"You boys ain't from around heer are ya?" an old raspy voice started up in the booth behind Jason.
They turned to see an old coot wearing a fisherman's hat and a vest over a seedy looking striped button-up shirt.
"No sir, we're just passing through" Chris spoke back.
"This town has a death curse!" the old wack-job groaned.
"Ol' Monty! Would you shut the fuck up!" an old scraggly woman behind the counter screeched. "Eat your fuckin' stew! Don't I make the best goddamn stew around here?"
"You make the best goddamn stew around here Ethel" the old coot sheepishly answered, turning back to his plate.
"Heeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!" the little greasy woman Ethel exclaimed loudly, as she brought down a meat cleaver on a freshly plucked chicken's neck. The head severed from the plump body as the two boys looked at each other instantly and yelled, "Check please!"
hahahah eat your fucking stew HHAHAHA! i love that
I bet you are an F-in' expert on that shit if your office is next to the shitter.
Um. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Why can I not escape work?
that's a good question. who's got stew?
if it's dinty moore, you can box it up and send it to me.

if it's poo, you can box it up and send it to josh.
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